Monday, December 7, 2015

Solid, Liquid, Gas

Grade level: 1st/2nd  grade
Area of Science (Circle One):  Life Science, Ecology, Physical Science, Earth Science
Standards Addressed:  (Please include standard statement if using PA Early Learning Standards.  If using site, please include Assessment Anchor and Anchor Indicator)
S.K-2.C.1.1.1: Describe basic changes to properties of matter
Think, Turn, and Talk

Learning Objectives (SWBAT): 
SWBAT distinguish things between solid, liquid, and gas
SWBAT to observe the three states of matter through an experiment

Strategies Used (these could include productive questions, using literature, classroom discussion, inquiry based experiences – please describe):
TPT to use while introducing three states of matter: Think, Turn, Share, Thumbs Up/down, True/Not True Hold Ups
Inquiry based experiences: conducting the ice cream in a bag experiment; the three balloons experiment

Materials Needed:
½ cup heavy whipping cream (or half and half)                
1 tsp vanilla
2.5 tsp sugar
Small and big Ziploc bags
6 Tbls rock salt
3 balloons (one with air, one with water, one frozen overnight)

Activities Used (include at least two to three activities) you will use to help students learn:
In whole group, write down traits of each state of matter. Present the gas balloon, liquid balloon, and solid balloon. Then, have the students write observations about the three different balloons. Share observations and traits of the three balloons and the three states of matter.
Ice Cream in A Bag: Add heavy whipping cream, vanilla, rock salt, and sugar into a Ziploc bag. Discuss the states of matters the ingredients are. Close it nice and tight. Ask how gas is being used in the experiment. Have the students shake it around for 5-10 minutes. They can also get creative and slam it on the table, throw it around, etc. Enjoy!

Technology:  Find at least one game online you can use to teach this concept; find other online resources you can use to support this concept or describe ways you will use technology to support this concept: Explains the three states of matter and has an interactive sorting game after explanation. Students can play this on the smartboard

How will you know students have learned (assessment): Have students play this game and monitor what they know and what they don’t know
Have an exit ticket that list the three states of matter and two traits about each

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