Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Planet Lesson

PA Common Core Standards

Referenced from http://www.pdesas.org/  for PA State approved academic standards (Grade-specific Numbers & Descriptions)

3.3.4.B1: Identify planets in our solar system and their basic characteristics


Objectives correspond with PA State Common Core Standards listed above (SWBAT…)

SWBAT identify the eight planets of the solar system, in order.

SWBAT know facts about each of the eight planets.

Lesson Introduction: (5-7 min)
(Activate background knowledge & set purpose)

Go over the names of the eight planets

Put them in order.

Go over pneumonic device “My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos”

Activities/Procedures: (25-30min)

Lesson Plans are conducive to student achievement and focus on PA State CC standards and objectives


Separate the class into four groups for centers
Center 1: Journey Through the Planets
-Have three to four students pick out their playing pieces
-Put all the student’s game pieces on start
-Read question to child. If they get the correct answer, let them roll the die and move however many spaces they roll. If they get the answer incorrect, the next student will be asked the same question and so on until it is answered correctly.
-First student to get to Neptune wins
Center 2: Planet Research
-Give students the worksheet “Planet Research”
-Have students use laptops to answer questions
-Go over answer with partners
-If finished early, pick a planet to do additional research on
Center 3: Solar System Model
-Provide students with Play-doh
-Have students use different colors and different sizes to represent each of the eight planets
-Place them in order in a shoe box and label them
Center 4: Solar System Reading
-Fill the book corner with books about the solar system
-Have students write down information from at least three books they read
-Share the facts you found with the group
-each group member will write down two or three facts they found on chart paper

Closing& Assessment: (5-7 min)
(Restate purpose & assess comprehension; met objectives?)

Bring the class back together
Have groups discuss what, how, and why they did
Go over the eight planets in order


List of resources used and incorporated into activity and assessments, attach any teacher made materials and/or worksheets

Text Book:
Other:  Journey Through the Planets board game
A die
Player pieces
Chart paper
Solar system literature
Graphic Organizer/Handouts(s): Planet Research

Technology: laptops

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